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We worship together on Sunday mornings in a few different ways - at Concord West Public School (entry via 345 Queen Street) on most Sundays, and you can join by zoom (just click the button below). If you zoom in, you'll be in a waiting room until our gathering starts at 10am.

When you zoom in, you'll be in a waiting room until our gathering starts at 10am.

We look forward to meeting you!

Sometimes we meet in smaller groups in lounge rooms and sometimes in the park at Wentworth Common, Sydney Olympic Park. On those Sundays we aren't able to offer zoom.


It is our mission to Love God and Love Others.  So please reach out to us if you need assistance. Just fill in the Bayside Connect Card below

We're an intergenerational contemporary Christian church in the heart of Sydney, next to Sydney Olympic Park

What happens on Sundays?

The purpose of getting together on Sundays is to worship God. It’s a great way to start the week!

  • Everybody comes together in the hall. 

  • We usually start with singing which helps focus our hearts and minds on God. You can sit or stand, sing or just listen.

  • There will be announcements about upcoming activities or events, a time of relevant practical teaching from the Bible (some people call this the ‘message’, ‘sermon’ or ‘talk’), prayer, an offering and perhaps more singing.

  • If we are not learning together across all generations, then kids aged 3-11 head to KidZone, a program specifically designed for them.  And young people in Years 6-8 at school participate in the service, meeting with a mentor once a month to explore what they have been discovering.

  • Sometimes there will be something creative to do, but you don’t have to participate –  if you just want to sit and watch that’s OK. 

  • When you come, you won’t have to say or do anything that you don’t want to.

  • Morning tea will be somewhere there before or part way through the service. 

  • Our service usually ends by 11.30am

Where do you meet? How do I get there? Where do I park?

We get together at Concord West Public School. The best car parking is on Queen Street right outside the school or in the school car park (entrance off Queen St). Directions here

  • Some people ride their bikes to church. It's an easy ride from Newington, Wentworth Point or Sydney Olympic Park through Bicentennial Park, up Victoria Ave, into Queen Street. Park your bike in the school grounds.

We're an easy walk from Rhodes and Liberty Grove.

What happens with kids and teenagers?

Kids and teenagers are very welcome at Bayside!

  • If we are not learning together across all generations, then kids aged 3-11 head to KidZone, a program specifically designed for them.  And young people in Years 6-8 at school participate in the service, meeting with a mentor once a month to explore what they have been discovering.

Where do I sit?

You can sit wherever you feel comfortable and can see what’s going on

Will I have to give any money?

  • No you don’t have to give money when you come.

  • The ‘offering ’ is a time for those who regularly come to Bayside to give from the money God has blessed them with to support the work we are involved in locally and overseas. 

  • It is collected when the tin buckets are passed around.  Don’t feel any pressure to contribute - just pass the bucket on to the person next to you.

These days many people give electronically so the bucket can sometimes look a bit empty! 

Do I need to bring a Bible?

No you don’t.
You might notice some people using their phones or ipads – they’re probably looking at an electronic version of the Bible or taking notes on the message. 

Can I talk to someone about a problem I’m having?

Of course you can! There will be people around who will be really pleased to talk with you or pray for you.

How do I connect at Bayside?

  • Connect cards are on the seats each Sunday morning.

  • If you feel comfortable to pass on your contact details so we can thank you for joining us and to stay in touch please fill in the card.

  • It’s also yours to write on with your feedback, prayer requests, questions, your response to the message…whatever you want to communicate. 

  • Place it in the letterbox on the information table after the service. Any information shared will be treated respectfully and confidentially.

Have a look at the Connect section on our website to find out some other ways