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Equipping followers of Jesus to walk with him every day. The book of Mark.

Explore the impact the disciples made when Jesus sent them to share the good news of the kingdom in various towns (Luke 9-10)

This series focuses on Chapters 1-9 of the book of Acts. God is not just a character in the story of the early church, but the Author.  We also engage in how we are being shaped and readied by the Holy Spirit’s leading as individuals, as a community, and as we journey with people exploring what it means to follow Jesus

Our Christmas Advent series plays on two ideas: After a year where the news cycles haven't been the best, here is some good news for a change. And this good news is for a change. It transforms those who hear and receive it and, through them, to others in turn.

This series is a journey into Paul's intensely personal letter to the people of Philippi. It's a joy-producing, gospel-focused, theologically rich letter. The hope over the next weeks, is for us to deepen our relationship with God and have a greater sense of how our story is to be a lived expression of Jesus's story and what that looks like for each one of us and as Bayside. 

Throughout human history, even until today, there has been a deep yearning to know what love is. People have looked for it in all sorts of ways and the search continues. So for people who are followers of Jesus what does it mean to believe in a God of love? What does the Bible reveal about the new life and ongoing transformation we have when we come to trust and believe in what Jesus Christ has done for us, and the transforming relationship we have in the Holy Spirit? All because we are “Loved” by God.

Our identity in Christ is the foundation for what shapes and makes the way we serve. What does the Bible reveal about the why and how for what we do as a community of faith, hope and love.