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Where our relationships with Jesus are real and evolving

As followers of Jesus we have been invited into relationship with Him
We believe that ongoing emotional and spiritual growth should be a reality for all followers of Jesus
We have an "all of life" perspective on discipleship. It encompasses every aspect of our lives
We celebrate creativity in our services, in our structures and in expressions of different congregations
We adopt a spirit of adventure and recognise that a life of faith is following wherever God leads us, into the known and unexpected
We believe that prayer, both individual and expressed together, demonstrates our dependency and our intimacy with God


Where our focus is bigger than ourselves 

We are intentionally missional - relentlessly seeking to connect people with Jesus
We bias our time and resources towards those who are yet to enter the Kingdom
Having a global as well as local engagement, we seek to make a difference in the world, promoting God's compassion, justice and peace
We cheer on, and encourage, other churches and ministries


Where everyone is valued 

Opinions are valued, Diversity is valued
There are no restrictive barriers because of gender, age or ethnicity
People are more important than programs and we recognise their need for periods of rest to safeguard against burnout
We support, serve and care for each other

Where authenticity is the norm

No pretence is needed and vulnerability is OK! (or valued)
We value, and expect, Integrity, Truthfulness and Reliability
Because our identity is in Christ we are at the same time both humbled and esteemed
We are committed to creating a 'safe place' but not necessarily a 'comfortable place'
There is depth to relationships


Where we are being changed to become more like Jesus

We believe that we are all on an ongoing, life-long journey of transformation
This transformation is facilitated in us as we rely on, and surrender to, the work of the Holy Spirit
We seek opportunities to engage with God and allow His work to take place in us
While we accept people "as they are & wherever they are" we still yearn for God's work of transformation in their lives. Our model is that of a "Hospital not a Hospice"
It is important to us to create small, intimate, supportive environments where safety can be established to allow personal vulnerability and the work of transformation to take place in community


Where we see people released to be all that God intends them to be, and to experience

We recognise the Holy Spirit as the source of our power
Our leadership employs an empowering leadership model, which is collaborative in nature
We release people into ministry, and invest in their ongoing development and training
We encourage new ideas, new things and new ways and have an expectation of change, and create a safe environment for these things. We guard against complacency
We seek to employ healthy processes across all of our activities
We have empowering structures and policies that facilitate good communication and ensure appropriate accountability
We are committed to providing healthy, life-giving team environments